All Miata Club members in the tri-state and beyond are cordially invited to the 1st Annual Miata Homecoming (Midwest Gathering)! Check out Miatas from other clubs, mingle with other Miata enthusiasts and share stories about your Miatas and trips you’ve been on. Bring that car part you’d like to sell or give away. Thinking about selling your Miata? Bring a window sign!
When: 10a to 4p Saturday, September 2nd
Young’s Jersey Dairy is famous for their homemade ice cream, cheeses, pies, and other fresh baked goods. While at Young’s, have a tasty lunch and dessert, and if you arrive later in the afternoon, consider dinner at Young’s. Menu here.
The first 25 Miatas driven by active Miata club members will receive a $10 gift certificate good for food, ice cream, or event of your choice. Event offerings at Young’s include two different 18-hole miniature golf courses, batting cages, and driving range (bring your favorite driver or use an available club).
Bring your lawn chair and sit a while. MVMC will provide water stations.
RSVP to Chuck Valley, Event Organizer by August 31:
We look forward to seeing you and your ride!